Somerset sexual abuse solicitors in Taunton
For expert advice from Somerset’s leading sexual abuse solicitors based in Taunton, call our confidential free legal helpline on 01823 354545 or send an email to us in confidence at [email protected]
We enjoy a national reputation as having one of the leading abuse teams in the country. We specialise in recovering compensation for victims of sexual abuse, child abuse, rape and sexual assault. Our expertise in this field has led to us featuring in the national media with TV coverage and articles in newspapers such as The Sunday Times and The Guardian.
We are recommended by the inluential guide to the legal profession, The Legal 500. The 2024 edition has this to say about us:
“Slee Blackwell have vast experience of complex claims arising out of sexual abuse. They are the clear market leaders in the West Country.”
The dedication of our abuse lawyers has been recognised by the NSPCC Childhood Champion Award for Corporate Partner of the Year for South West and Channel Islands. We were also shortlisted for the prestigious national Personal Injury Lawyer Awards.
Our experienced, caring and compassionate team of lawyers are based here in Taunton, Somerset. They will listen without judgment to your story with patience and sensitivity. We fully understand that when an abuse survivor speaks to us it could be the first time they have confronted their ordeal or spoken to anyone about it. We also understand that victims often worry about the consequences for themselves and their family of speaking out. We therefore make every effort to ensure the process is as painless as possible.
We have successfully recovered compensation for victims of abuse against:
- Care homes and institutions.
- Churches and religious organisations,
- Schools, including boarding schools.
- Professionals in positions of trust.
- Employers.
- Youth organisations, including the scouts
In addition we deal with domestic and physical abuse within the home.
We also deal with CICA (Criminal Injury Compensation Authority) claims for victims of violent crime, including victims of rape. Read our case study of a successful criminal injuries claim where we recovered over £93,000 for a client who was originally offered just £3,300 before she came to us. Find out more about CICA claims by visiting our specialist criminal injuries website
If you wish to discuss a possible claim then call us for a free and totally confidential telephone consultation. Alternatively, you can contact us by email or, if you prefer, we can meet with you on a face to face basis at our office in Taunton, Somerset where the team is based.
With our specialist knowledge and experience we have access to the very best medical experts, barristers, doctors, counsellors and psychiatrists both here in Somerset and elsewhere in the country. We can therefore put together the very best case possible.
We have achieved many notable successes, recovering compensation – and justice – for numerous victims of abuse, with some incidents dating back many years.
We are always happy to fund abuse claims on a No Win, No Fee basis, which means that iyou should not let worries about funding legal fees put you off seeking justice.