Make a Lasting Power of Attorney. Our prices start at £595 plus VAT and disbursements.
A Lasting Power of Attorney, or LPA, will give you the peace of mind that someone will be able to look after your affairs if you lose capacity. To make one, contact our Lasting Power of Attorney solicitors by calling us on (Taunton) 01823 354545 or sending an email to [email protected].
A Lasting Power of Attorney (often called an LPA) allows you to appoint someone to make decisions on your behalf if you lose capacity and become incapable of managing your own affairs.
A common misconception with LPAs is that they should be made when someone is losing or has already lost capacity. In actual fact when someone loses capacity they also lose the ability to appoint an attorney. It is therefore never too early to make an LPA. Ideally they should be made when you are fit and healthy so that you are safeguarded for the future.
Our team of specialist lawyers here in Somerset can guide you through the process and prepare a a power of attorney for you, speedily and cost effectively.
There are two types of Lasting Power of Attorney.
- The Health and Welfare LPA
A Health and Welfare LPA allows you to name one or more Attorneys who can make decisions about your living arrangements, healthcare, and medical treatment. The Attorneys will only be able to act if you lose the capacity to make decisions yourself.
- Property and Financial Affairs LPA
A Property and Financial Affairs LPA allows you to name one or more Attorneys to deal with your property and financial assets if you lose mental capacity. Attorneys can also be permitted to make decisions while you still have capacity.
For further details about making a Lasting Power of Attorney and our charges, read our article on LPAs. Our prices start at just £595 plus VAT and disbursements.
To make arrangements for your LPA to be prepared, give our Lasting Power of Attorney solicitors a call on Taunton 01823 354545 or email us.