Last Updated on 10 February 2021

Somerset dog attacks on the rise

With Somerset dog attacks on the rise our specialist team of lawyers are here to help. We deal with dog attack cases nationwide and have successfully recovered hundreds of thousands of pounds in compensation for our clients, usually working on a no win no fee basis. To find out where you stand call our free legal helpline on 01823 354545 or send us an email.

Statistics released by Avon and Somerset Constabulary under the Freedom of Information Act reveal that there have been nearly 300 dog attacks in the region since May 2013.

Only 10 dogs have been seized as a result of these reports, just 4 of which were destroyed. 6 of the dogs seized by the police were banned breeds.

The rate of dog attacks in Somerset and Avon is rising. There were 25 reports in May to December 2013. This rose to 34 in 2014, increasing dramatically to 109 in 2015. Already in 2016 there have been 111 dangerous dog reports.

The police commented that although dog attacks are relatively rare, it is important that dog owners control their animals.

The police have extensive powers under the Dangerous Dogs Act. They can seize a dog that is dangerously out of control either at the time of the incident or afterwards where a warrant is granted by a magistrate.

Where a member of the public is injured by a dangerous dog they may be entitled to pursue a civil claim for compensation. This can include provision for the cost of reconstructive surgery and specialist treatment to improve the cosmetic appearance of the wound which is particularly important for facial injuries.

It is our recommendation that dog owners take steps to insure their pets against the risk of this legal liability.

Our local team of specialist solicitors deal with dog attack claims nationwide and are able to advise victims and dog owners. You can call our helpline on Taunton 01823 354545 or pop in to see us at our offices in Bindon Road, Taunton.

Police report increase in Somerset dog attacks