Last Updated on 14 January 2021
Lawyers from our Family Law and Private Client teams have recently presented seminars in Taunton and Weston super Mare in conjunction with local accountants Thomas Westcott Butterworth Jones.
Among the attendees in Taunton were Martyn Venner from Greenslade Taylor Hunt, Neil Rossiter from Blackdown Financial and Tara Rendell from Plumptree Kilby.
In Weston we were joined by Sarah Doble from Sarah Doble Associates and Richard Nancekivell from David James and Partners in Wrington.
The seminar was titled “Family planning but without the sex” which caused some interest and we’ve already had a request from one attendee that we run the seminar again next year – but with the sex included!
The purpose of the presentations was to focus on how you can preserve the wealth you’ve built up and how to ensure that you are able to pass it on to your family and friends as you choose, rather than as set out by statute or to the Inland Revenue!
Our family team in Taunton provided guidance about helping family members to buy property, involving them in your business and protecting yourself by the use of pre and post nuptial and cohabitation agreements.
David Whiteley from our Barnstaple office talked about making Wills, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Trusts.
It was clear that those who joined us found the presentations helpful and above all, pragmatic. As lawyers we are here to prevent things going wrong, not just to help you when they do go wrong.