Last Updated on 14 January 2021
According to the media 4th January is “D Day” – an annual occasion when family lawyers apparently get more enquiries about divorce than any other day of the year. We are told that it’s the first opportunity after the New Year that people have the chance to rush to their nearest divorce lawyer. But whilst that may be true for some, it’s certainly not the case for most.
Sadly, the New Year is a time when many people decide that a relationship has run its course and that it’s time to take steps to bring it to a close. People see the New Year as a time of renewal and new beginnings. They make resolutions to improve those aspects of their life that they think need changing. And for some, that will certainly mean ending a marriage or a relationship that just isn’t working any more. In the majority of cases that won’t be a decision they’re taking lightly. It’s bound to be one they have agonised over for many months and the call to a lawyer will be the first step towards implementing their decision rather than the first step towards making it. Contrary to popular belief, family lawyers don’t cause people to decide on divorce or separation. By the time we’re involved the decision has already been made.
As specialist family lawyers we see an increase in enquiries not just in early January but whenever families have spent a fairly lengthy period of time together. Unfortunately, holidays and prolonged family interaction can often expose the cracks in a relationship. Whilst people may have been plodding along parallel lines for some time, when they can’t do that and have to work together that can be the final straw.
Divorce or separation can however be, like the New Year, a fresh start. It doesn’t have to be acrimonious and it doesn’t have to cost a fortune. It is however inevitably life changing and the process is a journey for all those who decide it’s the right course for them. A very important part of that journey is making sure you have the right lawyer travelling with you. There are lots of family lawyers to choose from, but they’re not all the same. At Slee Blackwell in Taunton we are proud of the fact that our family lawyers offer not only expertise, support and experience but that we’re efficient and cost effective as well. We can help with mediation, collaborative law or court proceedings if they’re needed.
We offer all clients a free assessment by phone or email and if required an initial consultation at our Taunton office, again completely free of charge.
We may be able to work for you on a fixed fee basis; if we can’t we’ll explain why not and give you an estimate of what our work will cost you.
Call us on Taunton 01823 354545 to obtain your free assessment or free consultation or email us at [email protected]